Sep 26, 2014

What really makes me angry about the world?

“The most fatal thing a man can do is try to stand alone.” 
- Carson McCullers, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

I was challenged to write down what makes me angry about the world. What would I change, if I had a magic stick?

Let's see.

If I would have to point out one thing, I apologies in advance not to be more creative, but the answer is so obvious. Maybe too obvious. Maybe we learned to accept it as normal, stopped really questioned it. Became too passive?

As mom, I can't imagine anything more horrible than seeing your child suffering or dying. With all the knowledge and technology we have nowadays, children are still dying because of hunger, diseases that could be cured, war, inequality, hate ... And it is not just little children. Everyone is somebody's child. There is a small percentage of people that has it all, more they could ever use, but for many of them that is not enough. They wont more, for themselves. For what price? People, environment, our future, future of our planet?

I will risk to sound very pathetic and I know, this is very beauty pageant like answer. But you challenged me. If I would have a magic stick, I would make all people full of love to themselves and to others. Maybe in a world like that my children, and my children's children would have a chance to enjoy this beautiful planet we all share and the beauty behind our differences.

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