Oct 10, 2014

Will it be as good as I dreamed it will be?

THE QUSTION that I tried not to ask myself every few minutes since last Saturday – will it be as good as I hoped. Will I be thrilled or disappointed? What if I lose a dream I was dreaming for a long time. The dream that one day I will realize. One day...

What if this »one day« actually comes and it turns out not to be as perfect as you dreamed, hoped for?

What if this was the only thing you thought could be THE ONE? What if everyone in your life that ever doubted in your dream were right? Would that mean I was dreaming the wrong dream or the opportunity was really not the right one? Should I look for a new dream or should I look at this as an obstacle on my way to success and be even more determinate? Crazy, I know ... 

When I contacted the lady that will be organizing creative workshops for kids in our town and she invited me to join her it was a huge thing for me. I wrote about it in previous post. I know this is not a rocket science, but this was something I wanted to do for so long but found so many excuses not to do it: timing is not right, how can I do it alone, kids are too small, I don't have enough time, I am not capable enough ... Sounds familiar?

I got my first opportunity!

Ok, small, but never the less, the opportunity. Is this my “one day”? The day the life of my dream is dependent on? 

Yesterday was the first day of workshops. Not many kids came, but the ones that decided to join were really passionate about it and we had a really great time. I think, I was probably enjoying it even more then the kids were. It was not all perfect, I would change some things but for the first day it was ok.

The most powerful realization for me happened after everything was over, and I set down in my quiet room.  I knew then I actually would really, really, really love to do this for real. I can not wait next week. It was that good. I was so full of energy, I couldn't even sleep tonight. So many ideas, what else we can create together, how to reach more kids with love for creating and help them explore and grow their passion. And not just kids ...

I just need to hold that tiny little annoying voice of mine asking me too many questions, doubting it all, resisting the change under control.

This does feel right.                  

I should learn to trust my feelings, shouldn't I?

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