Nov 15, 2014

How full time employed mom got her morning routine she loves - Part I

Starting your day in a hurry is not the best way to start the day. It sets the tempo to the whole day. I am full time employed mom of two kids and preparing kids and myself in the morning on time was often stressful for me and I hated that. I wanted to change it for me and for kids and reading about the benefits of morning routine made me think, that this could be an answer. If I could just wake up a little earlier ... That was the challenge.

It is three weeks in to my morning routine now and I love it. I wake up every morning looking forward to this special time that is just mine.

I am calmer, more focused, positive and content now. I am better organized and manage to do more of what really matters to me. Morning routine just got a very huge new fan. 

How I did it? Three things were crucial for success:

1. Find a way that will work for you to start the day earlier

I made a little trick here, because I was not a morning person. This is why I was putting this off for very long time. I couldn't imagine myself waking up before 6:30 voluntarily. I thought for sure I will be a wrack the whole day if I do. This is why I planned this for a few months. Seriously. I was waiting for the day, when we move a clock one hour forward to winter time. With moving the clock one hour forward, I just had to keep waking up at the same hour as before and that was the trick that worked for me.

2. Get family on board

To make sure, that this hour is really mine, I have told my children and my husband how important it is to me to have some time for things I love. If children wake up before 7 am, which is rarely, we agreed, that they must dress themselves first (for smaller child I prepare everything in advance), wash their teeth and then they may watch cartoons. 

3. Adjust evening routine

For morning routine to work I had to change the evening routine too if I didn't want to exhaust myself. I know I need little less then 8 hours of sleep. This is how I am. Therefore I started going to bed earlier. Few days in to my new routine I spontaneously added meditation before going to sleep. These meditations impacted me in a way I didn't plan. I fall to sleep almost instantly after the meditation, I sleep better and I wake up without the alarm clock, completely by myself, fully rested around 5:20. It depends on a day and activities we have, but on average, this is 1 extra hour every morning that is MINE, mine alone and on average I sleep less then before but feel better.

Now, that I have all this extra time, what do I do with it you might ask? I wanted this time to be well spent, so I prepared myself a plan, so I do not have to think too much in the morning.

Next week I will share my morning routine with you. We will go dipper in how even full time employed moms can easily create morning routine they will love and will have no problem to stick to it.

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